Last week was filled with lazy mornings and busy afternoons. In a few of those busy afternoons the old man and I were able to get complete the conversion of the XJ from a boring old AW4 automatic to a much more entertaining AX15 manual. I’ll have more pics later and better details regarding the conversion, however, I don’t have pics or time right now. The conversion went pretty smoothly. We only had to drill two holes into the firewall to complete the conversion, other than that, everything was already there and ready.
The only issue we’re currently having is the clutch doesn’t appear to be fully engaging – or, it’s engaging but it feels as though there is still air in the lines. In the infinite wisdom of the aftermarket manufacturers, they do not put a bleeder valve in the systems that you buy the master/slave cylinders separately. In order to remedy this situation, I ordered the complete system that’s closed and it should arrive today. Once we get that installed, then I’ll be able to tell if we’re at 100% or not.
Another minor issue is that I can’t remove the fill plug to the transfer case. We lost a little fluid when moving the transfer case around and when I went to fill it up last night I couldn’t get the drain plug out. However, I had just driven it so it was pretty warm. I’m hoping that tonight, with a cooled down transfer case, it’ll pop out of there.
More updates soon to come.
Itís hard to come by knowledgeable people about this subject, but you sound like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks