Finally got the underbody cleaned up completely and was able to paint. It’s a little hard to see from the picture but I’ve got a nice and thick coat of the Farm Paint on there. Man is that stuff sticky. I was good while painting and wore gloves but lost my train of though and ended up getting it all over my hands when I brought the brush inside. Took probably close to an hour to get that out of my skin – hopefully that’s a sign that it’s some good stuff.
While I was letting the underbody dry before painting (I had put a little more goo-gone on it to do one last wipe) I started working on the front differential. I got all the steering components off of it with the exception of the track bar (I am too tired to confirm that’s what is left on there haha) because the bolt broke right off. All the other bolts came off pretty nicely but that one just snapped right off. So I imagine that’s going to be a little bit of a pain to get out of there but hopefully it’ll come out. The only thing I was concerned with is the mounts for the lower control arm is a little smushed – it doesn’t appear to be bent in a bad way, just the end of it smashed down a little bit. I assume they hit something off road or something like that. I got some paint sprayed on it but ran out pretty quick.