Moving a DFSR directory

I just finished successfully moving a DFS replicated folder from one drive to another. Due to the complications I had setting up the replicated folder to begin with, I am taking this as an accomplishment. Here are the steps I followed, taken from here.


Start by creating the folder structure you want on the new destination. For my purposes, I was moving data on the same server from E:\Profiles\AME to G:\Profiles\AME. So, my robocopy syntax was as follows:

robocopy e:\Profiles\AME g:\Profiles/AME /sec /e /b /copyall /r:6 /xd dfsrprivate /log:c:\results.txt /tee

I had two other directories with in there too (AUS and ROA) where I just did the same thing but altered the result.txt to include a _AUS/ROA so that I could keep the results separate.

Once the robocopy finishes, you can check the hash value by using the following:

dfsrdiag FileHash /Path:e:\Profiles\AME

dfsrdiag FileHash /Path:g:\Profiles\AME

I made sure the numbers matched and proceeded.

Share Changes

Once you have the robocopy completed and you’ve verified the permissions moved over correctly, then you can go ahead and make changes to the shared folders.

Go to the source folder and stop sharing the folder.

Go to the destination folder and create the new share.

Make sure you replicate the permissions from the source to the destination shares.

DFS Management Changes

Open up DFS Manager and, under the Replication section, click on the replicated folder you are working with. In my case, it was AME.

Then click on the Memberships tab (it’s the default when clicking on the replicated folder).

Find the server you’re working with. In my case I was working with AMEFS01 and there were two other servers I was replicating to. Right-Click on the line with the server you’re changing paths on and select Disable.Replicated Folder 2


That will give you a warning stating that you are about to stop replicating and if there was anything in transition it won’t replicate.

Once it has finished processing, you should be able to right-click on it again and select Enable. When you click Enable it will pop-up a window that will let you choose a path. Before you can click OK you also have to click the Edit button and choose a share to use. Once that is complete, click OK and then it’ll activate the new replicated folder.

I then went and browsed to the DFS namespace and verified that it was pointing to the correct server, which it was.

That’s it, you should be finished.