Drove an hour and a half each way to get the correct transfer case (finally). Looks pretty clean. The only thing I think I need now is whatever wires go into the transfer case besides the speed sensor.

Then after a few hours we got the Jeep running perfect now. Turns out we had to adjust the cam position sensor just a little bit and then it’s been running like a champ ever since. Got the grill installed and the new headlights I bought so I can actually see at night now. Tested them out and it sounds fantastic. We tried getting the freon put in for the AC but it turns out the compressor is shot – the clutch never engages. It does appear to be sealed though, so at least if I replace the compressor I should have AC. We were going to get the t-case set in there but I forgot I had already went and picked some bolts for it until it was too late. Anyway, with the exception of a few little things here and there, we should be ready to get the t-case put in on Sunday and take her for a test drive. So very excited!